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Planning Board Minutes06/05/07
Minutes of Meeting— June 5, 2007

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood, Jim Vereault, Jennifer Burke, Town Planner and Teresa Vickery, Clerk.

RK Associates
Present were:   Dave Baker, RK Associates
        Forest Linwall

Dave Baker presented the Board with the concept plan regarding the properties on Washington Street that RK is attempting to acquire for future growth and development.  They have closed a deal with John T. Purdy of 191 Washington Street to buy his property.  The existing home, which will be demolished, has a great deal of land behind it.  All of the land will be cleared and cleaned up.  RK has given Mr. Purdy a timeline to finish the clean up, if he does not RK will take over the clean up effort.  The land will not be tested for environmental contamination until the property clean up has been completed.  The Bonnazoli property as well as the Cellucci property are under agreement with RK for acquisition.

The next site they are looking to expand is the Bonnazoli property.  RK is waiting to see what the environmental issues are on the property before moving forward.  

The Hannaford store in the existing RK plaza is roughly 40,000 Sq. Ft and was set for a 14,000 Sq. Ft expansion.  However, industry standards have changed and the typical store size is about 40,000 Sq. Ft, therefore the expansion of the space has been put on hold.

The existing property only has 2 catch basins.  RK is hoping to eventually add additional drainage, more green space, a right out for the Bank as well as better access for large trucks.   

They believe there is a significant need for a traffic light at the entrance/exit to the Hannaford Plaza and would like to see this included in the plans to widen Washington Street from Mass Highway.

Bonnie Hamelin, 13 Maxwell Circle inquired about the timeline, specifically when the red house would be torn down.  Mr. Baker is hoping to have the house torn down by the end of the summer, however, the construction will start only after the final site plan has been submitted to the Planning Board.  The land that the house is on will not be tested until it is completely cleared.

A resident of Maxwell Circle asked about the lighting, stating that the properties on Maxwell Circle would be sensitive to the excess illumination that would reflect off of the property.  Mr. Baker stated that the developers are willing to compromise, and the border of forest that is there will remain as a buffer between the properties.

Alison Hay, 11 Maxwell Circle simply wanted to confirm that the property would not be developed all the way to the property lines.

Planner’s Report

Metrowest 495 Transportation Management Association
Present was:    Susan Tordella, Director

Ms. Tordella came before the Board to ask that they require businesses that come before them for site plan review join her organization as a condition of approval.  

Her organization urges people to carpool, ride public transportation or ride bicycles to work.  The organization has a ride-match database that lists over 40,000 employees in 30 different companies.  

She ended her presentation by asking that the Board consider her proposal.

66 Cox Street Minor Modification Discussion
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole presented minor changes to the original plan for 66 Cox Street.  The plan shows the floor being raised up 1 foot as well as the parking lot.  The dimensions of the building have also been changed to fit in better with the existing architecture.  

Mr. Frias asked whether the size or number of parking spaces has been changed.  Mr. Poole stated that they have not.  

Rodney Frias, seconded by Bob D’Amelio, moved to accept the minor modifications as shown on the plan entitled “Site Plan, 66 Cox Street,
Hudson, MA“ as drawn by Zanca Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated February 16, 2006.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


129 Lincoln Street
Present was: Steve Glover

Mr. Glover approached the Board with a plan that would divide the lot at 126 Lincoln Street into 2 large lots.  Mr. D’Amelio noticed that the square footage on the plan was not accurate as well as the date on the plan.  He requested that he make the appropriate corrections to the plan.  The Board had no issues with the plan.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan Of Land In Hudson, MA“ as drawn by Mark Santora, PE, Inc. of Hudson, MA dated _________ and Authorize the Agent to sign after all corrections are made.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

190 Washington Street,  Site Plan Review

The Board is in receipt of a letter from Scott Hayes, Foresite Engineering asking for a continuation.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to continue the public hearing for 190 Washington Street until July 17, 2007 at 7:45 p.m.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Walgreen’s Site Plan Review
Present were:   Paul Giannetti, Atty. at Law
                Matt Smith, Bohler Engineering
                Bob Michaud, MDM

Mr. Smith began by explaining to the Board that the ITC reviewed the proposed site for the driveway and they approved the changes.  The only change to the previous plan was the inclusion of a dedicated right lane onto the site from Technology Drive.  

The Richmond Company filed a notice of intent with the Conservation Commission.  They will meet on June 21, 2007 to review drainage and the catch basins.  

The signs directing traffic to on I-495 and I-290 have been included on the plans.  
Mr. Smith then addressed the comments from SEA.  He stated that they had rerun the truck route through the site with different assumptions, however, the outcome was the same.  

Mr. Michaud of MDM Transportation restated the location of the driveway and that the plan was drawn up with the anticipation of the widening of Washington Street.  The driveway on Technology Drive is aligned with the Stop & Shop driveway.  He added that the current plan meets all the objectives for future expansion.  

Traffic studies show that there is no change in the level of service or delay from the construction of Walgreen’s at the signal lights on Washington St. and Technology Dr. The 99 will experience a delay impact of 1 additional second per vehicle.  There is no impact on Technology Drive; the only impact is internal to the site.  

Mr. D’Amelio expressed his concern for the traffic issues this may cause on Technology Drive.  Mr. Michaud explained that a revised traffic analysis has been provided.  

Another of SEA’s comments referred to the issue of trucks exiting onto Technology Drive.  Liz Sommer of SEA believes that trucks exiting will pinch cars that are attempting a right turn onto the site.  Mr. Smith does not foresee a problem, stating that truck deliveries onto the site occur twice a week and would not be during peak business hours.  

The catch basins at the in and out onto Washington Street drain into the wetlands on the southerly edge of the site.  Mr. Smith said that they would include a storm water quality unit in order to remove about 80% of solid wastes.  He went on to say that the small areas that drain out are not substantial and he does not believe that this needs to be addressed further.  

Mr. D’Amelio said that the DPW would be asked to test the catch basins to insure that they are functioning properly.

Mr. D’Amelio also raised a question about SEA’s comments regarding the lighting on the site.  He stated that it appears to be more substantial than it needs to be.  Mr. Smith responded by saying that the spill over is mainly at the driveway entrances and slightly onto the roadway.  Walgreen’s lighting requirements have been proposed for this site and are more of a safety concern.  Mr. D’Amelio would like the lighting poles to be as short as possible.  However, Mr. Smith believes that with higher poles the light will be more evenly dispersed throughout the site.  

Mr. Underwood asked in which direction will the lights point.  Mr. Smith answered that all the lights will point directly into the property.  

Mr. Collins noted that the plans show a fenced in area to the back of where the proposed building will be, he wanted to know what it was.  Mr. Smith informed him that it is a transformer supplied by the Light and Power Department and is a non-negotiable feature.  

Mr. Vereault, inquired as to whether the traffic study was done with the inclusion of 2 tenants on the property as well as Walgreen’s.  Mr. Michaud stated that the initial study accounted only for Walgreen’s and the proposed gas station.  They then evaluated the impact of the coffee shop as well.  If the 2 tenants are secured they will present the traffic study to the Board with the inclusion of the 2 tenants.  The studies before the Board today only include increased traffic counts with respect to Walgreen’s.  

Dr. Michael Girard, 263 Washington Street, asked where the existing driveway in relation to the egresses on the site plan.  Mr. Smith explained that it is directly in front of where the driveway is now. He then asked if there would be a sidewalk on Washington Street and if there would be any pedestrian access on Technology Drive.  Due to the takings from the expansion of Washington Street, the proposed site for the sidewalk may need to be relocated, however, they are still unsure if there will be a sidewalk on Technology Drive.  

The ITC was fairly comfortable with the egress on Washington Street.  They realize it is not perfect and stipulated that after one-year of full occupancy they will review this again.  The Planning Board had previously stated that they would revisit the issue after two years of full occupancy.  

Stewart Rappaport, 7 Hummock Way asked if the site will implement the use of town water or use their own for internal irrigation purposes.  Mr. D’Amelio said that it would utilize town water.   Mr. Rappaport suggested that the Board consider having them use their own water source.  Atty. Giannetti stated that they have met numerous times with Tony Marques and the issue has never been raised.  

Don Garcia, 78 Parmenter Road stated that the applicant has been extremely cooperative with the various Boards and asks that the Board look favorable upon the plan in order to expedite the process.  

Ms. Ciccolo informed the Board that the most recent set of plans has been submitted to GPI and they are satisfied with the revisions.  

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to close the public hearing.

Vote: 4-1-0: Bob D’Amelio against


Tom Collins, seconded by Bob D’Amelio, moved to approve the minutes of May 15, 2007, as written

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

The Board will take action on it’s meeting of June 19, 2007.


Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 9:00 PM.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner